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发布日期:2025-01-02 11:10    点击次数:98

十四届全国人大二次会议5日上午在人民大会堂开幕。国务院总理李强作政府工作报告。报告中指出,2023年我国国内生产总值增长5.2%,增速居世界主要经济体前列。新能源汽车产销量占全球比重超过60%,技术合同成交额增长28.6%,创新驱动发展能力持续提升。 哥斯达黎加前总统顾问奥顿·索利斯认为,中国不仅同时实现了经济快速增长和大规模减贫,而且其先进的技术优势和环保产品使其在高品质生产竞赛中站稳脚跟,再加上中国巨大的国内市场和高储蓄率,中国未来将仍是全球经济增长的重要引擎。   2024年2月7日,一艘轮船在唐山港京唐港区集装箱码头装完货物后离港(无人机照片)。来源:新华社   The dream of every developing country is to eradicate poverty and to achieve a high GDP economic growth rate. As simple and obvious as these two objectives might appear, the fact is that in most countries of the world, in both academia and policy-making circles, there are widely diverging positions on the issue. 每个发展中国家的梦想都是消除贫困,实现GDP的高速增长。尽管这两个目标可能看起来简单又明显,但事实上,在世界的大多数国家,不论是学术界还是决策层,对于经济增长问题的立场都普遍存在分歧。   Should economic growth take priority, relegating poverty reduction policies when a high level of per capita income becomes a reality? Is there a causality relationship between economic growth and poverty reduction? If so, does economic growth per se lead to poverty reduction, rendering the correct trickle-down approach? If poverty reduction is given priority, will that help or hinder economic growth? 在实现人均收入达到高水平之后,是否应该把经济增长的优先级放在减贫政策之前?经济增长和减贫之间是否存在因果关系?如果是这样,通过经济增长是否就能消除贫困,形成涓滴效应?如果把减贫摆在优先位置,是否会帮助还是会阻碍经济增长?   China did not dwell too much on these issues. China decided to meet the two challenges at once with extraordinary success. 中国没有在这些问题上过于纠结。中国决定一次同时应对两个挑战并取得了巨大的成功。   China's economy grew at an average rate of about 10 percent per year for four decades, which allowed it to lift more than 800 million people out of extreme poverty. Its economy became the industrial powerhouse of the world and its mastering of advanced technologies, either adopting from other countries or created locally, generated a substantial competitive edge vis-à-vis both the developed Western economies and the Global South. 四十年来,中国的经济保持10%的年均增长速度,并让超8亿人摆脱极度贫困。中国成为世界工业强国,中国从其他国家学习或本土研发的先进技术为其带来了巨大的竞争优势,无论是相比西方发达经济体还是发展中经济体。   Unlike most emerging economies China tallies a large domestic market. Given the high rate of household savings, demand can be boosted even without increasing government expenditure. 和大多数新兴经济体不同,中国拥有巨大的国内市场。考虑到中国的高储蓄率,中国无需增加政府支出便可以刺激需求。   China has already won the favor of global markets as far as high-tech and environmentally friendly products are concerned. A quarter of China's manufactured exports are high-tech products. China accounts for about 80 percent of the global market for solar panels and more than 60 percent of wind energy production. Given that environmental certifications are becoming an imperative in sale pitching, sustainable energy is of paramount importance. 中国在高科技和环保产品上已经征服了全球市场。中国制造业出口产品有四分之一是高科技产品。中国的太阳能电池板和风能产品分别占据全球市场的近80%和超60%。随着环保认证逐渐成为销售中的强制性要求,可持续能源也变得极为重要。   Importantly, China is also the largest manufacturer of electric vehicles. These and other indicators clearly position China in the pole position in any race for quality production.  重要的是,中国还是电动汽车的最大生产国。种种因素让中国在高品质生产中站稳了领跑位置。   The US is the world's largest economy and there is much to admire about some of its achievements. But China's strength is important for balancing the world domineering ambitions of US politicians. Therefore, the Global South would benefit if an optimistic and visionary China emerges from the annual sessions of the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference — a China that will continue to promote global peace, prosperity and sustainability. 美国是全世界最大的经济体,对于美国的一些成就有很多值得钦佩的地方。但是中国力量对于平衡美国政客主导世界的野心也很重要。所以,如果从两会中看到一个乐观、有远见的中国,一个继续推动全球和平、繁荣和可持续发展的中国,发展中国家将因此受益。   本文作者Otton Solis(奥顿·索利斯)是西班牙IE大学的教授、北京对话俱乐部高级会员、2018-2022年间哥斯达黎加前总统特别顾问。   英文来源:中国日报 编译:丹妮 审稿:董静、齐磊
